Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The next couple of days were busy with people. Perry and Fiona invited us to meet them at the Museum of Natural History and to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit. We met them for lunch first at the museum and then went and saw the exhibit. Amazing photos from people of all ages. They get thousands of photos submitted every year and the exhibit show s only a fraction of them. Really amazing.

Then that evening was a DH event. Tom took us all to see the powerful and moving one act play “The Lonely Londoners” by Roy Williams at the Kiln Theatre. The play is based on a book by the same title and details the life of West Indians in post-World War II London. Of course, during this time there are powerful race issues and immigrant issues that bubble up. Everything from the writing, acting, directing, staging, lighting, etc. was exceptional. The fact that it was a one act with no intermission just added to the intensity. It was so good.

The next day Becky had her women’s Bible study at Christ Church. We then had lunch together at the very local pub Stanhope Arms. It is a bit of a step down compared to the other pubs in the area, but one we will most likely visit more often as it is closer to the average person in clientele and prices, and we are average.

Later I had my men’s night out with Elliot and Drew. We are having a good time basically doing the “For Men Only” cadre I do on campus, but with just the three of us. Elliot was actually in the cadre last fall, so we are having fun going through the material with Drew and Drew is loving it as well.

When we got back to the DH Becky then had her first meeting doing the “For Women Only” cadre. She was just going to do it with one or two of the women, but many heard about it and now it is about 3/4 of the women are participating. They had a very energetic and fun time meeting. Becky does such an amazing job with this.