Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Morning Walks

Many mornings I get to go for a long walk in the Kensington gardens. It is so lovely and large. I wrote about them earlier, but I have taken a few pictures on these walks. Sometimes the sun is not up yet, but some of the mornings it is just beginning to rise. These pictures make it look like no one else is in the park, but that is not true. As the sun comes up there are hundreds of people spilling through the park either running, jogging, walking, riding their own bike or one they have rented from the many, many bike rental stations, or people are walking their dogs. So many dogs and almost all are not on a leash and yet they are all amazingly well behaved. There is no barking or dogs chasing other dogs. I even got to see the King’s Guard horses on their morning exercise.

I have seen all sorts of foxes, birds, waterfowl, and other small mammals. It is really a crossroads of people and nature, and it is clear it is a central part of many people’s daily life. They just flow through it. Yet, as you walk around and through it you feel the city fade away and it is a very relaxing place to be. That is why these photos express how you can feel very peaceful and quite in this place. I am sure it is why so many cross through it.