Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Quick Trip

We made a very quick one day trip up to Birmingham. Abigial and Mark had tickets to attend a Superbowl party on Sunday night. Over here this means that kick off is 11:30pm BST. Thus, Jamie needed someone to stay with him. We got up early Sunday morning and took an early morning train to Birmingham. We also learned that not many people are in Euston station at 7:30 am on a Sunday morning. This station is usually jammed packed with people. It was not a quick train, as it took 3 hours and made many, many stops.

Once we arrived, we were met at the train station my Mark, Abigail, and Jamie and we then went and attended their church. Grace Church is a great church and has really been ministering to their family. We enjoyed the service very much. After church their small group was having a social and we thus got a wonderful chance to meet with some of their friends.

Once back at their home Mark and Abigail wanted to take a quick nap since they were going to be up all night. Becky and I took Jamie for a walk to the park. It was a very chilly and windy evening out, but we had a great deal of fun. Some of our “walk” time was spent in a cafe in the park having a hot drink. We did stop by a swing though, so it was time in the park.

We had to be back at the Daniel House early the next morning for our Screwtape Letters cadre, so it was off on another early morning train. It being Monday morning and not Sunday, this train sped along and only took 1.5 hours to get back. It was a great little quick trip, but so privileged that we were even here to be able to do it.